Activision Blizzard Execs Lavish Pay Under Fire

Activision Blizzard Execs' Lavish Pay Under Fire

Shareholders Approve CEO's $155 Million Payout

In a controversial vote, just over half of Activision Blizzard shareholders have approved a $155 million pay package for CEO Bobby Kotick. The vote, which took place on Monday, comes amid growing scrutiny of executive pay at the video game giant.

Unveiling the Figures

The pay package for Kotick and other top executives at Activision Blizzard has been under the microscope in recent months, as shareholders and employees alike raise concerns about their lavish compensation. According to data released by the company, Kotick earned over $155 million in total compensation in the past five years, including salary, bonuses, stock options, and other perks.

Shareholder Dissent

The vote on Kotick's pay package was not without its detractors. Many shareholders expressed outrage at the CEO's compensation, arguing that it was excessive and out of touch with the company's performance. Some even voted against Kotick's pay package in protest.

Contentious Voting Process

The vote on Kotick's pay package was initially delayed amid shareholder opposition. However, the company ultimately managed to secure enough votes to approve the package, albeit with a slim margin. Shareholders who opposed the vote are now calling for greater transparency and accountability from Activision Blizzard's leadership.

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