Llama 2 Github

Introducing Llama 2: A Family of State-of-the-Art Open-Access Large Language Models

Meta Unleashes Language Power with Latest Llama Iteration

Open Source and Free for Research and Commercial Use

Meta has announced the release of Llama 2, a family of pre-trained and fine-tuned large language models ranging from 7B to 70B parameters. These models, available as open source resources, empower researchers and commercial entities with the transformative capabilities of large language models.

Llama 2 builds upon the success of its predecessor, delivering enhanced performance in various language-related tasks. The models offer exceptional text generation, dialogue engagement, and question answering abilities. They demonstrate proficiency in natural language processing, opening up new frontiers for research and innovation.

Meta's commitment to open access aligns with its mission to democratize artificial intelligence. By making Llama 2 freely available, the company invites the global research community and industry leaders to leverage the power of these models for advancing scientific knowledge and developing innovative applications.

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